

Self-Service Cancellations

At the height of the COVID pandemic, my team enabled Costco Travel's members to self-service cancel their trips and get refunds and credits on our website. My team reduced cancellation calls to the call center by over 80%.


Search Widget Improvements

When search rates dropped lower than business targets, my team made user-centered design changes to Costco Travel's search widget. My team implemented an A/B testing practice and improved search rates by over 15%.


Encouraging Login Behavior

Partners weren't logging in to access permissioned content on Adobe's Consumer & Business Connection. My team designed improvements to encourage login boosting permissioned content downloads by 60%.


Boosting Learning Completions

Learners described Adobe's learning platforms as unwelcoming and uninspired. My team improved the platform and increased engagement and completion rates to over 95% - Adobe's highest-ever.